Articles : Jan. 2022 – Dec. 2021 – Nov. 2021 – Oct. Facebook :
Justin Trudeau a été déplacé dans un lieu secret alors que les manifestations au Canada suscitent des craintes en matière de sécurité, selon un rapport.
BREAKING NEWS: Justin Trudeau moved to secret location as Canada protests spark security fears, report says
— The Independent (@Independent) January 29, 2022
Des camions sont entrés dans la capitale canadienne, Ottawa, pour protester massivement devant le Parlement contre les mandats de vaccination COVID-19 du Premier ministre Justin Trudeau.
Trucks rolled into Canada's capital Ottawa to stage a massive protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's COVID-19 vaccine mandates in front of parliament
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 29, 2022
Ma meilleure tentative de panoramique pour montrer l’importance de la foule du convoi. Une grande fête ici. Où sont le racisme et la violence qu’on nous avait promis ?
My best attempt at a panoramic to show how big the convoy crowd is. One big party here. Where’s the racism and violence we were promised?
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) January 29, 2022
Now. 100,000 truckers. 1,500,000 million people in Ottawa at Parliament.
— Sir Marco Robinson (@marcorobinson7) January 29, 2022
Either Trudeau resigns OR drops all mandates. No negotiation. I have been told that by many amazing Canadian close friends. #TruckersForFreedom2022
I stand with all Canadians! Come on!
One thing to note is that the mask mandate in Ottawa is basically dead this weekend. Virtually no masks worn in hotels, food places and stores, and staff have either given up trying to enforce or don't actually care.
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) January 29, 2022
This is the scene in Ottawa as the Trucker Freedom Convoy makes their arrival.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 29, 2022
Justin Trudeau has left Canada’s capital city.
So much for “small fringe minority”.
Alors que tout le monde a les yeux rivés sur Ottawa, des convois sont organisés dans tout le pays. Voici un court extrait de Burnaby, en Colombie-Britannique.
As everyone is focused on Ottawa, convoys are happening across the country. Here's a short clip from Burnaby BC.
— Mila Kedrov (@MilaKedrov) January 29, 2022
Mask mandates are useless in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. Hotels and malls are allowing people to be maskless. In my hotel alone, there are hundreds of maskless people like myself. And the staff are respectful and don’t even bother asking anyone to wear one.
— Mocha Bezirgan (@BezirganMocha) January 30, 2022
Trudeau va probablement chercher à contre-attaquer par l’angle habituel : l’antiracisme.
Il a déjà commencé. Son tweet ci-dessous
L’islamophobie est inacceptable. Point à la ligne. On doit enrayer cette forme de haine et rendre nos communautés plus sûres pour les musulmans. Pour ce faire, on entend nommer un représentant spécial chargé de la lutte contre l’islamophobie. Détails :
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 29, 2022
Cette démonstration de force est géniale !
Merci à D.P.